Tag Archives: Fall

Fall – Episode 23 Lull before the Storm

This is also known as the Filler Episode (as Norm couldn’t make it), and happens to also be the most amazingly awkward roleplaying Ive ever done.

Not much happened in terms of plot in this one, most of it is dealing with the bomb Calvin dropped in the episode before and Alex not knowing how to deal with it all. As all of this is gone into in by Jenni in her blow by blow recaps, I think I’ll leave it at that.

But to sum up:

  • Calvin and Alex barely talk when they wake up in Calvin’s bed the next morning, having spent the night together.
  • Alex gets busted leaving the house by Martha, Calvin’s sister.
  • Megan tries to sweet talk a priest into giving her some holy water, and when that doesn’t work steals it instead.
  • Darius is still recuperating (either in hospital or at home, I was a bit confused).
  • Calvin tries to find Gina, and discovers that shes disappeared. The car she borrowed is found in a parking lot near the train station and he assumes that shes left town.
  • Megan is oblivious to whats happened between Alex and Calvin, even when the three of them hang out at her house trying to find out what happened to Gina. (Cue awkward silences)
  • Alex totally confuses Calvin by bursting into tears in front of him, after he offers to just forget about the night before and she says she doesn’t want to.
  • Calvin and Alex have another bonding cemetery moment when they’re attacked by two vamps. This fight doesn’t go so well and Calvin ends up getting bitten.

Next time round well be getting back on track with the plot and edging that much closer to the end of Fall, Season 1!
Previously on Fall
Jennis write ups

Fall – Episode 23 "Q&A"

The next in the quick fire Fall recaps is episode 23, Q&A aka the one with the romantic ending. But I get ahead of myself.

The episode picks up exactly after the last one left off. The team are driving around Fall River with their people divination wire trying to track down Xavier.

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Fall – Episode 22 "Icarus gets his Wings"

It’s been awhile since my last Fall write up, four episodes to be exact. I’ll try to be succinct and will leave out most of the dialogue, for that head on over to Jenni’s write ups (the link is at the bottom of the page).

First up is episode 22, Icarus gets his Wings.

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Fall – Episode 21 "Reaching my Limits, Part 2"

For the past two weeks, since our epic session, I’ve been trying to write this actual play report on Fall. I’ve found it extremely hard, as it was a dark and difficult road that my Slayer started down. I’ll warn you this will be long, and may have emo musings littered through out. Don’t say I never give you an out!

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Fall – Episode 20 "Reaching my Limits, Part 1"

This weeks episode was another mostly character driven affair. We were all also pretty tired and/or sick so things moved kind of slowly, but not in a bad way. We had some great character development and I started Alex down a path that I’ve recently realised is totally in keeping with her character. So with out further ado…

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Fall – Episode 19 "Losing Ground, Part 2 "

We picked up exactly where we left off, with Darius in front of his locker contemplating the blue jelly goo that has soldified into a gelatinous cube and ruined all of the books, nic nacs and photos that he’d stored in there (including a collar from when his dog Nebby was a puppy, awwww).

Taking time cleaning it up Darius gets to home room a little late, where he is promptly sent to the principle’s office. Once there he’s accused of destroying the practice field, on his own, in a single night. His accusers? A bunch of jocks, the same ones that recently egged his house and filled his locker with blue goo. Despite (or perhaps because of) his rather terrible attempts at proving his innocence he too gets sent to guidance councillor, for the rest of the day.

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Fall – Episode 18 "Losing Ground, Part 1"

Alex, Calvin, Megan and Darius have had some pretty exciting times since my last actual play report but luckily Jenni has been dutifully recording our adventures, so go to her blog to catch up.

In an effort to get better at recording the games I’m in I too am going to get back into the habit, but this one got a little long. I’ll see what I can do about making them more succinct. However with no further ado, Fall: Episode 18!

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Previously on Fall

Even though we’ve been playing in my Buffy RPG game pretty regularly I’ve been shocking at writting up the actual play reports. Luckily however, my co-player Jenni has been very good at keeping everything up and running on that front. So if you’ve been wondering what we’ve been up to head on over to her blog to read up on the last 3 episodes. Expect an actual play report of episode 10 “Full House” later today.

Episode 7: Change the Channel
Episode 8: This is your brain on drugs
Episode 9: You can’t make an Omelette

Fall – Episode 6: "Worst day ever"

I think it would be fair to say that this episode of Fall was one of the more emotionally charged sessions of roleplaying I’ve ever done. There was a fantastic amount of character development and interaction and I really felt that as a group of players we were really meshing. At one point I was really getting pushed to the edges of my gaming comfort zone and I loved every second. But enough of this waxing lyrical about the game, here is what happened. This is a long one, so I’ve hidden it behind a cut.

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Fall – Episode 5: "Watch your Back"

This episode doesn’t have an official, GM title yet but I’ve dubbed it Watch your Back for reasons that will hopefully become evident.

This episode was very much a Calvin-centric episode which was a great change in pacing. It has of course already been written up, as always, by Jenni. So I’m going to summarise the episode and go into detail on the bits that were most relevant for Alex.

The episode starts up the day after our trip to the woods last time, at school. Someone tries to curse Calvin, by sticking a piece of paper on his back,  but is only successful in cursing his lab partner Melinda who picks it off only to have the weird symbol drawn on it dissolve into her hand and then a few minutes later collapse with a high fever. Calvin, in an unusual display of heroics, takes her to the nurse before setting out to hunt down the person who tried to do it to him. He attempts to physically intimidate William Ham into admitting it was him, but only gets a bunch of bruises for his trouble.

The rest of the episode very much revolves around Darius and Megan researching while Calvin and Alex go in hunt for the other likely perpetrator, Xavier (another guy Calvin beat up for information, seeing a pattern?). The research goes something like this:

  • Darius and Megan do research (their players, as always due to the very high intelligence and the really good occult library, rolling in the high teens which equals high successes)
  • Megan finds the curse, and draws out the symbol
  • Said symbol then disappears into Megan’s hand (as it did into Melinda’s earlier at school)
  • Megan then throws drama points around to find a cure, before passing out in Darius’s door way.

Darius then quickly calls Calvin and Alex with the indrediants they need to find in order to make a pultice that will draw the curse out. The duo on their way to do this when Alex realises she’s late for her date with Mason (which was arranged earlier at school). She calls and tries to brush him off (so she can continue driving around in cars with his best friend helping to save someone’s life) by saying her mum wants her home. He replies to this new rejection by replying,

“I’m at your house now.” Dead silence…

Alex quickly jumps out of the Kermit and runs home, through the rain of angst, only to get there just as Mason’s car pulls out of the drive way. She then walks aimlessly in the rain until she stubbles upon the slightly restless ghost of Lissie Borden, who is Fall River’s previous Slayer. Apparently her parent’s were possessed and she had to kill them, which lead to the famous ditty (though the Lissie Borden in this world died young, after 6 months as a Slayer, this was quite a shock to Alex). The talk for some time about Slayers, Watchers and such like. She also tells Alex that as a Slayer she needs to separate herself from others in order to keep them safe. The risks are too high otherwise.

Meanwhile Calvin has managed to find the ingredients for the sure thanks to a new-agey health food shop and saved both Melinda and Megan from the curse.The episode’s hero for sure.

Will this week find Alex cutting ties with all of those she calls friend? Will Calvin beat the snot out of Xavier again? Tune in to find out!